List of exemptions to the standard列出標準的不適用條款 |
Current issue of the appropriate standard現行標準的最新版本 |
Quality management manual質(zhì)量管理手冊 |
Organisation Chart組織機構圖 |
Responsibilities職責 |
Management review minutes管理評審會(huì )議記錄 |
Quality policy statement質(zhì)量方針 |
List of individual responsibilities / job scope員工工作職責 |
Hazard and risk management data危害和風(fēng)險管理 |
Design & or Development (Documentation even if no design responsibility)設計和開(kāi)發(fā)(無(wú)設計時(shí)要有文件說(shuō)明) |
Internal audit results內審記錄 |
Supplier approval and monitoring供方評審和監控 |
Document control records文件控制記錄 |
Critical control points (CCP’s)關(guān)鍵控制點(diǎn)(CCP’s) |
Traceability追溯 |
Product specifications產(chǎn)品規范 |
Product analysis產(chǎn)品分析 |
Incoming inspection來(lái)料檢驗 |
Pest control records蟲(chóng)害控制記錄 |
Incident reporting事故報告 |
Product recall 產(chǎn)品召回 |
Glass handling 玻璃處理 |
Maintenance records維修記錄 |
Calibration records校準記錄 |
Non conforming goods records不合格品記錄 |
Cleaning / housekeeping 清潔/衛生 |
Maintenance / hygiene for vehicles車(chē)輛的維修和衛生 |
Life trial protocols貨架期試驗規范 |
Design process設計過(guò)程 |
Metal detection金屬探測 |
Hygiene standards衛生標準 |
Training 培訓 |