從 2013年7月1日起,歐盟頒布的建筑產(chǎn)品cpr法規(construction product regulation簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)305/2011/eu-cpr法規)將全面取代原來(lái)的建筑產(chǎn)品cpd指令(construction product directive簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)cpd指令)
歐盟305/2011/eu-cpr法規將對建筑產(chǎn)品ce認證的要求更加嚴格,鋁和鋁合金經(jīng)常被用于建筑行業(yè),這類(lèi)鋁型材 ce認證屬于歐盟建材cpr認證,cpr法規305/2011/eu是2013年7月開(kāi)始強制實(shí)施的新建材法規,需要根據該法規進(jìn)行檢測和認證。鋁和鋁合金ce認證有en15088(鋁和鋁合金檢驗和交付條件)、en1090(鋁結構ce認證)等,具體可根據產(chǎn)品的詳細情況和用途進(jìn)行判定。
en15088:2005 aluminium and aluminium alloys - structural products for construction works - technical conditions for inspection and delivery
en15088:2005 鋁和鋁合金-施工作業(yè)用結構產(chǎn)品-檢驗和交付使用的技術(shù)條件
this european standard specifies requirements for castings and for semi-finished products of aluminium and aluminium alloys for load-bearing structural construction works (construction works covers building and civil engineering works). it also specifies requirements for evaluation of conformity and the test methods to be used. it does not apply to products after machining or joining operations (e.g. bolting,
en 15088:2005 鋁和鋁合金,施工作業(yè)用結構產(chǎn)品,檢驗和交付技術(shù)條件。
en 15088:2005 aluminum and aluminum alloys-structural products for construction works-technical conditions for inspection and delivery.
en 15088鋁/鋁合金結構ce認證范圍
structural metallic products and ancillaries-structural metallic sections/profiles: hot rolled, cold formed or otherwise produced sections/profiles with various shapes(t, l, h, u,z, i, channels, angle, hollow, tubes), flat products metallic materials, unprotected or protected against corrosion by coating(to be used in metal structures or in c o mposite metal and concrete structures).
en 15088鋁/鋁合金結構ce認證相關(guān)標準
en 10025-1:2004 hot rolled products of structural steels. general technical delivery conditions.
en 10025-1:2004結構鋼熱軋制品,通用技術(shù)交貨條件。
en 10210-1:2006 hot finished structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain steels —part 1 technical delivery conditions。
en 10210-1:2006非合金和細晶粒鋼熱軋結構鋼管—第二部分 公差、尺寸和截面性能。
en 10219-1:2006 cold formed welded structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain steels-part 1: technical delivery conditions.en 10219-1:2006非合金和細晶結構鋼的冷成形焊接結構空心型材.交貨技術(shù)要求.
en 15088:2005 鋁和鋁合金,施工作業(yè)用結構產(chǎn)品,檢驗和交付技術(shù)條件。
en 15088:2005 aluminum and aluminum alloys-structural products for construction works-technical conditions for inspection and delivery
鋁和鋁合金ce -en15088屬于建材ce認證范疇,需要按照模式2+規定進(jìn)行認證,涉及到驗廠(chǎng)和年審,可由具有該標準授權的ce認證機構辦理。