Labor and Ethic Questrionnaire
此問(wèn)卷為臺達對相關(guān)方相關(guān)綜合信息調查的一部分,目的在于了解貴公司相關(guān)勞工及道德管理信息。以促進(jìn)雙方對勞工道德信息的溝通交流,達成更好的企業(yè)社會(huì )責任,建立良好的企業(yè)形象。請給予配合,謝謝!
The questionnaire is a part of basic information investigation to Delta’s partners. The major purpose is to understand the system at Delta’s partners’ side regarding labor management and ethic management, to promote the communication on labor management with each other, to implement the social responsibility, and to build good corporate reputation.
1.公司基本信息 General Information
1.1公司名稱(chēng) Company Name:
1.2公司地址 Company Address:
1.3電話(huà)號碼 Telephone Number:
1.4傳真號碼 Fax Number:
1.5主要聯(lián)系人姓名及職稱(chēng)Primary Contact Name and Position
姓名Name: 職稱(chēng) Position:
1.6貴公司的員工總數是多少?How many people does your company employ in total?
2.綜合性調查Comprehensive Investigation
2.1 請問(wèn)貴公司目前雇員人數量 Please provide the number of employees
臨時(shí)工人數Temporary/Seasonal :
2.2請問(wèn)貴公司一般工作時(shí)數: Please provide typical hours of operation
一周工作日days per week:
一年工作周weeks per year:
公司有幾個(gè)上班班次 number of shifts:
預定停產(chǎn)時(shí)間scheduled plant shut-down:
3.遵循勞工標準 Labor Standards Compliance
What is the company’s policy for defining employee wages and benefits?
What is the minimum monthly wage required by the local laws?
How much is the salary of formal employees?
3.4工人的工資是以何種方式計算? In what form are workers’ wage counts?
□計件by piece □計時(shí) by hours □月薪制 by month
Is payment of wage ever delayed for any reason?
如果”是”,請陳述原因 If “Yes”, please explain the reason:
Are wages deducted for basic services provided by the company (such as food or board)?
□是Yes □否No
如果”是”,請陳述 If “Yes”, please describe:
Does the company provide any of the following benefits to employees :
Does the company provide medical services to employees? □是Yes □否No
如果”是” If “Yes”,
? 那么這些員工是被要求必須參加的還是公司自愿的?
Is participation required or voluntary?
□必須的 Required □自愿的 Voluntary
? 這些醫療服務(wù)所支付的費用是從員工的工資中扣除嗎?
Are payments for company provided medical services deducted from wages?
□是Yes □否No
If “Yes”, how much and how long?
3.7.2 在當地是否有社會(huì )保險計劃?
Is there a Social Insurance program in the company? □是Yes □否No
如果”是”If “Yes”
? 那么這些員工是被要求必須參加的還是公司自愿的?
Is participation required or voluntary?
□必須的 Required □自愿的 Voluntary
? 這些社會(huì )保險計劃所支付的費用是從員工的工資中扣除嗎?
Are payments into this program deducted from wages? □是Yes □否No
If “Yes”, how much and how long?
Is there an unemployment insurance program in the company? □是Yes □否No
如果”是”If “Yes”,
? 那么這些員工是被要求必須參加的還是公司自愿的?
Is participation required or voluntary?
□必須的 Required □自愿的 Voluntary
? 加入這些保險的費用是從員工的工資中扣除嗎?
Are payments into this program deducted from wages? □是Yes □否No
If “Yes”, how much and how long?
Does the company have any form of retirement pension or other savings program?
□是Yes □否No
如果”是” If “Yes”,
? 那么這些員工是被要求必須參加的還是公司自愿的?
Is participation required or voluntary?
□必須的 Required □自愿的 Voluntary
? 加入這些費用是工資中扣除嗎?
Are payments into this program deducted from wages? □是Yes □否No
If “Yes”, how much and how long?
Does the company provide childcare t employees?
如果”是” If “Yes”,
? 那么這些員工是被要求必須參加的還是公司自愿的?
Is participation required or voluntary? □必須的 Required □自愿的 Voluntary
? 該項費用是從工人的工資中扣除嗎?
Are payments into this program deducted from wages? □是Yes □否No
If “Yes”, how much?
Is there any other items deducted from wages? Please provide the details
? 那么這些員工是被要求必須參加的還是公司自愿的?
Is participation required or voluntary?
□必須的 Required □自愿的 Voluntary
? 加入這些費用是工資中扣除嗎?
Are payments into this program deducted from wages? □是Yes □否No
如果”是”,金額是多少? 在多長(cháng)時(shí)間內扣除?
If “Yes”, how much and how long?
3.8公司是否支付了必須應繳的工傷社會(huì )保險?
Does the company pay into the mandatory Social Occupational Injury Insurance program?
□是Yes □否No
If “Yes”, please provide relevant documentations or records
Does the company pay its share of the pension fund? □是Yes □否No
If “Yes”, please provide relevant documentations or records
4.工作時(shí)間 Working Hours
4.1 公司對員工的工作時(shí)間有什么政策?
What is the company’s policy on working hours for employees?
4.2 這些政策是否符合地方或者國家的法律?
Is it in compliance with all local and national laws? □是Yes □否No
如果”否”,請加以說(shuō)明 If “No”, please explain.
4.3 獲得正常工資的情況下,工人每天要工作 小時(shí), 每周工作 小時(shí)?
What is the number of scheduled work hours at regular pay?
Hours per day: ; Hours per week:
4.4工人一周工作的最長(cháng)時(shí)間記錄是 小時(shí).
What is the maximum number of hours workers are asked to work within a given week? Hrs
Do workers have at least one day (24 consecutive hours) off in seven days? □是Yes □否No
如果”否”,請加以說(shuō)明 If “No”, please explain:
4.6員工是否被要求加班? Are employees asked to work overtime? □是Yes □否No
如果”是”If “Yes”,
Is it required or voluntary?
□必須的 Required □自愿的 Voluntary
What is the wage definition policy for overtime hours?
How are overtime wages determined for designated rest days and official, non-working holidays?
4.8是否所有的工人都有同等的加班機會(huì )?
Are all employees given equal opportunity to work overtime? □是Yes □否No
如果”否”,請作出解釋 If “No”, please explain:
4.9工人是否有權力拒絕加班? Do workers have the right to refuse to work overtime?
□是Yes □否No
如果”是”,請說(shuō)明作業(yè)方式 If “Yes”, please describe the way:
Does your company ask workers to sign a voluntary agreement for overtime? □是Yes □否No
How much time do employees have to break each day?
早間休息Early Break:
午間休息 Mid Break:
晚間休息 Late Break:
Are working hours in the company different from prevailing local practice? □是Yes □否No
如果”是”,有何不同 If “Yes”, how?
Are accurate records kept for hours worked by each employee? □是Yes □否No
如果”是”,請提供相關(guān)的數據 If “Yes”, please provide relevant records
5.最低年齡 Minimum Age
What is the company’s policy on minimum age?
Is it in compliance with all local and national laws?
What is the youngest age of workers hired in this company?
5.4在與可能會(huì )雇用的人員簽定合同之前,是否會(huì )確認其年齡?
Are any steps taken to verify the age of potential employees before contracts are signed?
□是Yes □否No
如果”是”,會(huì )采用什么樣的方法? If “Yes”, what steps are taken?
Does the company have a documented policy to ensure all HR employees understand the minimum age law and company policies? □是Yes □否No
如果”是”,請提供相關(guān)的數據 If “Yes”, please provide relevant records
Does the company have a documented procedure to ensure HR employees follow the validation process to check ID before hiring? □是Yes □否No
If “Yes”, please provide relevant documentations.
Are accurate records kept on employee ages? □是Yes □否No
如果”是”,請提供證明 If “Yes”, please provide the proof.
6.反歧視 Anti-discrimination
Does the company have written anti-discrimination policy? □是Yes □否No
如果”是”,請提供證明 If “Yes”, please provide the proof.
Is that policy reflected in au hiring, disciplinary and dismissal practices? □是Yes □否No
6.3是否有相關(guān)的內容核實(shí)? Are records kept that will verify this? □是Yes □否No
如果”是”,請提供證明 If “Yes”, please provide the proof.
What percentage of the people working at this facility are women?
Is the workforce a fair demographic representation of the population of the local community with respect to ethnicity, religion and/or other distinctions? □是Yes □否No
Are employees hired and promoted on the basis of their ability to do the job rather than on the basis of personal characteristics and/or beliefs? □是Yes □否No
Do the supervisors in the facility reflect the ethnic, religious or other characteristics of the employee population? □是Yes □否No
7. 強迫勞動(dòng) Forced Labor
7.1 公司是否以任何形式強迫工人或勞動(dòng)者或雇傭無(wú)合同勞工,包括罪犯、.勞役、學(xué)徒工等?
Does the company employ any form of forced or non-contractual labor, including convict labor, indentured servitude, apprenticeship or other means? □是Yes □否No
如果”是”,請提供相關(guān)材料If “Yes”, please provide relevant documentation
Are there any workers in the company who are not voluntary? □是Yes □否No
如果”是”,請對該情況作出解釋 If ”Yes”, please explain the circumstances.
Are there any contract workers in the company? □是Yes □否No
如果”是”,請解釋合同的條件 If ”Yes”, please explain the contract conditions
Does the company retain any personal documents from workers on commencement of employment? □是Yes □否No
如果”是”,請說(shuō)明證件類(lèi)別. If ”Yes”, please state the nature of those documents
8.紀律處分 Discipline
What is the company policy on discipline for workers?
What steps are usually taken when it becomes necessary to discipline a worker?
Are managers or supervisors allowed to use corporal punishment? □是Yes □否No
Are managers or supervisors allowed to use mental or physical coercion? □是Yes □否No
Is there any physical evidence that employees have been abused? □是Yes □否No
Does the company have a written policy prohibiting certain disciplinary practices, such as corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, and verbal abuse? □是Yes □否No
如果”是”,請提供相關(guān)材料If “Yes”, please provide relevant documentation
Is there a system in place for employees to report violations of disciplinary policy, and for effective responses to be taken? □是Yes □否No
如果”是”,請提供詳細信息.If ”Yes”, please provide details
9.組織工會(huì )的自由與集體談判的權利 Freedom of Association
9.1公司是否有與員工組織工會(huì )的自由和集體談判的權利相關(guān)的政策?
Does your company have a policy on the freedom of association and collective bargaining rights of employees? □是Yes □否No
If “Yes”, does it meet the requirements of applicable local and national laws?
□是Yes □否No
9.1.2如果”是”,請提供相關(guān)材料If “Yes”, please provide relevant documentation
9.2員工有沒(méi)有組織或者參加工會(huì )的權利?
Do employees have the right to form or belong to the labor union? □是Yes □否No
If employees have not the right, what shall they do?
9.3闡述一下公司為員工發(fā)表意見(jiàn)而設立的論壇(例如工作會(huì )議、員工福利協(xié)會(huì )、意見(jiàn)箱)
Please briefly describe the forum available in the company for employees to voice their comments (such as operational meeting, employee welfare association, opinion box)
Has the company experienced an employee strike/walkout/demonstration or other significant conflict with employees within the past three years? □是Yes □否No
9.4.1如果”是”, 請解釋導致這樣的沖突/行動(dòng)的主要問(wèn)題
If “Yes”, please explain the issue(s) leading to such conflicts or actions
9.4.2 請描述廠(chǎng)方采取的回應措施
If “Yes”, please describe the measures taken by the company as a response
9.4.3 請解釋問(wèn)題是怎樣解決的
Please explain how the situation was resolved
9.4.4 警方或軍隊是否曾介入?
Were the police or/and military involved in any way? □是Yes □否No
如果”是”,請進(jìn)行描述 If “Yes”, please describe.
10.其它 Others
Do regulatory agencies regularly monitor or inspect the facility in regard to the labor issues referred to throughout section IV of this questionnaire? □是Yes □否No
Is the company currently, or was it at any time during the past calendar year, subject to any enforcement action by any governmental authority for non-compliance with the legal requirements in any of the above areas? □是Yes □否No
If “Yes”, please briefly explain the nature of the action and what steps the company is taking to resolve it.
Date 描述
Description 改正措施
Corrective actions
Does the management of this facility contribute to the betterment of community conditions?
□是Yes □否No
如果”是”,請舉例說(shuō)明 If “Yes”, please list examples.
Does the company maintain a program to encourage employment of qualified minority and disabled workers? □是Yes □否No
Is the business 51% or more owned, operated and controlled by one or more women (any nationality)? □是Yes □否No
14.如果貴公司正在開(kāi)展企業(yè)社會(huì )責任方面的項目(環(huán)境、小區或社會(huì )責任), 請描述
Please briefly describe more if your company is working on Company Society Responsibility related projects (environmental, community and or social accountability)