我們知道,毎個(gè)工廠(chǎng)至多有三次機會(huì )通辻全球遵約驗廠(chǎng)(遵從當地法律規定與Target供應商合約準則)。如果必須迸行第三次,就是最后一次機會(huì )驗廠(chǎng),工廠(chǎng)或供應商需支付第三次驗廠(chǎng)費用。
Unannouced Factory Audit consists of 7 parts:
Target突擊驗廠(chǎng) 包含以下7項內容:
1. Opening Meeting Auditor will expain the intent of visit and the audit procss.
開(kāi)始會(huì )議-審驗員解釋驗廠(chǎng)目的及驗廠(chǎng)程序。
2. Factory tour-General Walkthrough of the factory and dorns (if applicable)
3. Employee interviews -Confidential, conducted one -to- one of in small groups.
4. Factory management interview-Review hiring process, factory rules, workschedules, and other procedures used by factory managenent.
工廠(chǎng)管理層面談評估雇傭程序,工廠(chǎng) 規章制度,工作計劃,以及工廠(chǎng)管理的其它程序。
5. Country of 0rigina review-Review production records and shipping records.
6. Closing meeting Review any findings found during the audit with factory managenent. This includes detailing how to correct the issue (s) and negotiate the“correct by" date. The audit recap is si gned by both the auditor and factory management.
結束會(huì )議--與工廠(chǎng)管理層評論審驗期間發(fā)現的問(wèn)題。包括詳細的如何改正發(fā)現的問(wèn)題以及協(xié)議改正日期。然后一份“驗廠(chǎng)概要”需要驗)員和工廠(chǎng)管理人員共同簽署,且留一份拷貝于工廠(chǎng)。